Shray Yoga

About Shray

Yoga journey

I have always been interested in athletics since my early childhood. I started learning boxing at the age of 6, at the age of 7 when the teacher left our town I started learning martial arts and kept learning and teaching it for many years, as a competitive martial artist under the guidance of my teacher Shihan AB George and Sensei Sunder Singh

I also did weightlifting during the late teens and mid-twenties as a competitive weightlifter, however, my career soon succumbed to multiple injuries

In order to regain my health I decided to learn yoga at the age of 31 I started learning Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Guruji Saraswati Jois, and Guruji Sharath Jois for teaching me Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga under the direct lineage of Shri Pattabhi Jois .

In September 2017 I met my Guruji Yogacharya Shri Vijay Kumar , and I am currently learning advanced A series under his benevolent eyes.

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Sanskrit Journey

Ever since a kid I have always been intrigued by the sound of the Sanskrit mantras . The fascination towards Sanskrit kept me always interested in learning Sanskrit up to high school, my teacher was a very old man from Varanasi who had lost his eyesight but his knowledge was profound . Thereafter there was a break in learning Sanskrit in a formal way up until 2015 but the zeal to learn the Sanskrit language was always alive within me. Following is the road map of Sanskrit learning :

  • 2016-2017 Sahitya (Karnataka Sanskrit university )

  • 2017-2019 Masters program (University of Mysore )

  • 2019 -2022 Shastri in Vyakarna (Karnataka Sanskrit University)

I thank my teacher Professor Shri KR Sridhar, Maharaja Sanskrit College Mysore, for teaching me Sanskrit grammar in the purest form I also would like to thank my teacher, Professor Shri Narayan Bhatt, Ex-Chairman Department of Sanskrit , University of Mysore, for extending his help in every possible manner to help me learn Sanskrit